
Our Program

Our aim is not just feeding and providing basic amenities to an underprevledg individual but also empower and equip them with the means to sustain their livelihood and stand their own.

With this aim we run following programs to bring change in the life of these underprevledg people and seek your support – 


Feed One Foundation is driven with a vision to end the most important and pressing issue a human can face- hunger. We have actively been involved with individuals and families who cannot even afford to have one square meal a day and thereby providing them groceries and cooked meals
We run program to identify such needy people and provide them Dry Ration and Medical Support Kit 


We believe education is every child and adult’s right that enables one to take an informed decision and be self reliant. In the process of education where one can improve the quality of their life, it also contributes to a better society and economic growth. We provide books and stationery to the underprivileged and also fund education.
We work with Schools and help needy students with School Fee Support and other Educational Help including running the after school classes for such people 


It is imperative that one is guided and counselled well in the right direction to be able to support themselves and their family.
We are providing opportunities and means of self-employment like providing sewing machine, rickshaws, Tea Stall, Vegetable pull Cart etc. that is helping  them to become self reliant


At Feed One Foundation, developing a needy child extends into various sub-programs keeping their various needs in mind, including, but not limited to, nutritional support, education fees, hygiene kits, stationary, and clothing. This program essentially helps in the child’s overall development and adds a much required meaning and direction to it.
We adopt a kid are provide them complete Development Kit which include School Fee Support, Meal Support, School Bag & Books Support etc.
All donations to Feed One Foundation are eligible for availing 50% tax exemption u/s 80 G(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Permanent Account Number(PAN) of Feed One Foundation : AAECF5926D.